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Certified Self-Defense Specialist

Certified Self-Defense Specialist

To become certified as a Self-Defense Specialist you need to satisfactorily complete 20 training modules (self-defence seminars with extra emphisis on how to teach others the material as well), that encompass different practical self-defence areas. You have the freedom to choose which areas you learn. 


After participation in a qualifying seminar, passing participants will receive a module certificate which is creditted towards their certification as a Self-Defense Specialist!


  1. When You Pass a Seminar You Receive a Modular Certificate.
  2. With 20 Modular Certificates You Become a Self-Defence Specialist Candidate.
  3. As a Self-Defence Specialist Candidate You can Participate in the Final Exam (FREE). When You Pass Your FInal Exam You Become a Certified Self-Defence Specialist!



>>> You can choose to order 1 module at a time or buy all 20 modules at once and save a bundle! <<<



Please Note: Each Modual Includes Participation in a STANDARD Local Seminar (currently valued at 400 DKK each) or the equivilant rebate on other Local or International Seminars.


As An Extra Bonus: If you choose to purchase all 20 moduals at once we'll upgrade your participation to include ALL LOCAL seminars (valued up to 550 DKK each)!


    Millions of people across the world train in the Martial Arts. Thousands of them teach as well. But very few really understand what is necessary to be able to defend oneself. Even more alarming is that hardly any instructors know how to teach others' how to defend themselves - even if they are capable of defending theirself.


    Learning the principles needed in order to defend oneself is just one piece of the puzzle. There are thousands of effective techniques being taught every day. Unfortunately, very few people are able to use these wonderful techniques. This is because there are several more pieces to the self-defence puzzle, that not only need to be understood, they need to be mastered physically and mentally!


    Participation in our Self-Defense Specialist program will give you the skills needed to be able to defend yourself and teach others how to defend themself as well! It will not be easy - but anything worth doing requires that you push yourself beyond what you are capable of doing right now.


    The Self-Defense Specialist program requires you to pass 20 modules (self-defence seminars with additional instruction) that you get to choose, that help you to discover how self-defence works - and what works!


    For a self-defence seminar to qualify as a module, two basic requirements must be met:


    1. The seminar must be at least 4 hours in length.
    2. Hanshi Chad Foster or one of his accredited representatives must be the or one of the primary instructors of the seminar.


    For you to pass the seminar and receive a Certificate of Modular Completion valid towards your Certificate as a Self-Defense Specialist you must be able to satisfactorily demonstrate that you understand the theories taught at that seminar and are capable of using the physical techniques and /or methods taught during the seminar!

  • NOTE

    • Included seminars must be booked through Make Me Better to receive the rebate.
    • If you choose to attend seminars, not organized through Make Me Better, this will be at your own expence. You will needed to demonstrate the seminar curriculum in order to receive your modular certificate.
    • You become a candidate as soon as you present 20 valid modular certificates.
    • When purchasing individual moduals your certificates will be valid for 4 years from date of issuance. 
    • When purchasing all 20 moduals at once your certificates will be valid for 3 years from date of issuance.
PrisFra kr 500,00

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